# Uncomment to run the notebook in Colab
# ! pip install -q "wax-ml[complete]@git+https://github.com/eserie/wax-ml.git"
# ! pip install -q --upgrade jax jaxlib==0.1.67+cuda111 -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_releases.html
# check available devices
import jax
print("jax backend {}".format(jax.lib.xla_bridge.get_backend().platform))
WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
WARNING:absl:No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
jax backend cpu

🌑 Binning temperatures 🌑¢

Open in Colab

Let’s again considering the air temperatures dataset. It is sampled at an hourly resolution. We will make β€œtrailing” air temperature bins during each day and β€œreset” the bin aggregation process at each day change.

import numpy as onp
import xarray as xr
from wax.accessors import register_wax_accessors
from wax.modules import OHLC, HasChanged

dataset = xr.tutorial.open_dataset("air_temperature")
dataset["date"] = dataset.time.dt.date.astype(onp.datetime64)
Dimensions:  (lat: 25, lon: 53, time: 2920)
  * lat      (lat) float32 75.0 72.5 70.0 67.5 65.0 ... 25.0 22.5 20.0 17.5 15.0
  * lon      (lon) float32 200.0 202.5 205.0 207.5 ... 322.5 325.0 327.5 330.0
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2013-01-01 ... 2014-12-31T18:00:00
Data variables:
    air      (time, lat, lon) float32 ...
    date     (time) datetime64[ns] 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 ... 2014-12-31
    Conventions:  COARDS
    title:        4x daily NMC reanalysis (1948)
    description:  Data is from NMC initialized reanalysis\n(4x/day).  These a...
    platform:     Model
    references:   http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/gridded/data.ncep.reanaly...
def bin_temperature(da):
    day_change = HasChanged()(da["date"])
    return OHLC()(da["air"], reset_on=day_change)

output, state = dataset.wax.stream().apply(
    bin_temperature, format_dims=onp.array(dataset.air.dims)
output = xr.Dataset(output._asdict())
df = output.isel(lat=0, lon=0).drop(["lat", "lon"]).to_pandas().loc["2013-01"]
_ = df.plot(figsize=(12, 8), title="Trailing Open-High-Low-Close temperatures")

The UpdateOnEvent moduleΒΆ

The OHLC module uses the primitive wax.modules.UpdateOnEvent.

Its implementation required to complete Haiku with a central function set_params_or_state_dict which we have actually integrated in this WAX-ML module.

We have opened an issue on the Haiku github to integrate it in Haiku.